Storage Container Carport. For those who are just looking for overhead cover from the sun and rain, a carport made from containers may be sufficient. Carport storage building combos are also perfect for break areas or a patio area with storage.

Looking for an excellent shelter for your expensive vehicles, it can be a costly affair, but you can save tons of your costs by installing your beautiful carport and car storage! The whole project is quite affordable and can be done in a very short amount of time once you have planned in advance and bought your shipping. You can use 20 ft conex container or 40 ft shipping container to create 20, 26, 33 or 40 ft wide areas.
Diy shipping container carport and storage:
24,736 carport storage products are offered for sale by suppliers on, of which cargo & storage equipment accounts for 1%, stacking racks & shelves accounts for 1%, and storage bags accounts for 1%. Shipping container roof system kits. Diy shipping container carport and storage: 24,736 carport storage products are offered for sale by suppliers on, of which cargo & storage equipment accounts for 1%, stacking racks & shelves accounts for 1%, and storage bags accounts for 1%.