Permit To Build Carport. Check with kitsap county department of community That means that a garage may not be your best option, however a carport sounds like the perfect solution.

So you've decided to invest in a shelter structure for your car but you've set yourself a budget and don’t really want the hassle of planning permission? The first step to obtaining your steel building permit, you must create a project plan that explains the scope of the project and the professional assistance it requires. In order to obtain a building permit you will need a site plan of the proposed carport showing its size and setbacks from property lines.
Use the build a shed, gazebo, garage or carport guide to determine which find out which permits you need for your project.
If this is the case, carport central has people in place to help you with this process. Yes, a building permit is required to construct a carport structure. A carport usually requires a local building permit, so research the requirements and fill out the necessary paperwork. The first step to obtaining your steel building permit, you must create a project plan that explains the scope of the project and the professional assistance it requires.