Metal Carport Garage Doors. We offer a variety of garage doors, from a 6x6 up to a 10x10 size door. The price of a metal garage based on the size, roof style, and other customization options.

We recommend adding 2' braces to buildings up to 8' tall (leg height), and over 9' we recommend using 3' braces on every leg to strengthen the carport even more. These buildings are manufactured, shipped and installed by industry experts. Meanwhile, a garage can be built to practically any size and layout you can dream up.
The front portion of the building has gable ends for additional strength and a finished look.
Measuring 30′ wide by 21′ long with more than 600 square feet of space, this vertical style metal garage can easily house several vehicles at one. The metal carport section is three sided. Click on the next step button at the bottom or use the tabs at the top repeat this process to choose all desired options Check here for updated pricing on our most popular garage styles.