How To Landscape A Downhill Slope. Use them in commercial designs under lifetime, perpetual & worldwide rights. We consistently see grading plans with a smooth slope, and it’s clear the relationship between the size of the root ball and the grading plan is completely missed by the designer.

From leveled stairs to creeping plants, and even cascading waterfall installations, your hilltop slope is your chance to redefine the landscape upon which you reside. Growing only 2 to 3 feet tall and wide, it will not interfere with passengers getting out of cars, will need no pruning, yet separate their front yard from the neighbor’s. These walls can be placed where they will hold back the soil above, and make a space below that can be left as a slope, leveled, or planted.
Compact the soil berm well, maintaining a buffer of several inches around the planned spot for digging your planting hole.
Most notable is the extent to which the landform is contorted to accept the root ball, both uphill and downhill. Wood chips look better and make for better mulch, but you will need a wood chipper to make it. Call in a professional garden designer, or a landscape construction company, to be on the safe side. Materials used to terrace or level a sloping garden.