How To Keep Birds Out Of Metal Carport. Nets to keep birds away; I've seen these used a lot in outdoor pavilions.

These objects can be made of wood, metal, or any other material that can withstand the outdoor environment. If you don’t yet have a problem with birds in your carport, and you would like to keep it that way, consider purchasing a fake predator to scare them off. Almost all harmful uv can be cut out.
Netting can be placed in the windows and eaves of your garages and sheds where birds might be gaining access inside.
The netting can also be placed around the sills and beams where birds will try to nest. Painting a slippery glaze on flat surfaces Just move the owl around every few days si they don't catch on. You'll have to get up there with a ladder to do it, though, or hire a handyperson to take care of it.