How To Build A Basic Carport. Video showing how to build an attached carport. The generous dimensions make this carport ideal for a family car.

Mark the position of each of the six posts on the ground. A basic carport requires six posts, one at each corner of the rectangle, and two more at the middle positions along the 16 foot (4.9 m) length. A carport should be, at a minimum, seven feet from the ground to the lowest rafter, so ensure that the posts have adequate height.
Mark the position of each of the six posts on the ground.
Just one more point to add. This complete project (all the pages together in one handy pdf file, ad free) can be purchased online and downloaded immediately to your computer for only $5. The 4″ slope to the roof of the carport is not enough if you are using pvc roofing. The measurement must be 5 feet to create a square corner.