Easy To Build Carport Plans. The first step of the project is to lay out the carport in a professional manner. Here some of the best free plans for building a carport on a budget.

Make sure the 4×4 anchors are perfectly aligned before filling the tube forms with concrete. Though the other option gave you real life pictures, this option gives you plans and a materials list. This easy to follow guide will show you how to set out the string lines for your carport.
A shopping list is also included in the plans, making you planning job really easy.
A basic carport requires six posts, one at each corner of the rectangle, and two more at the middle positions along the 16 foot (4.9 m) length. Aside from cutting labor costs, using a free plan is one of the best ways to reduce costs. Look at this given one that will rock for the garden vehicles and is super easy to build! In order to get an accurate result, you need to use batter boards and string, as in the image.