Does A Carport Need Footings. Remove the pegs, and the corners created by the string are where the concrete post footings will be located. However, footings are not required by the code for structures meeting the criteria outlined in the above exemption when:

On or in draft heritage item. The strong tie spec notes a minimum 4 offset from center of anchor pin to edge of concrete, so it would seem that 8 diameter footings would meet the spec. The corners need to be square and the land should be as level as you can possibly make it.
The corners need to be square and the land should be as level as you can possibly make it.
Carports must be at least 1 metre behind the building line facing any road. Under schedule 8 of the building regulations 2006, a carport (as a class 10a building), does not need a permit if. In which case i would go with crushed gravel and frame the floor. Under schedule 8 of the building regulations 2006, a carport (as a class 10a building), does not need a permit if.