Do You Need Permit For Carport. Single dwelling on a single lot with 14,000 square feet or more of graded area. Do you need a building permit for a carport?

(3) for other than routine maintenance and service, if you work on or add to the A simple general rule for when a permit is required is: A building permit is needed for all major building projects including new homes, home extensions, garages and commercial projects.
The estimated value of the carport.
(2) if you affect the “envelope� of the structure or plainly, if you open up the interior or exterior walls of the structure; According to the national building regulations and building standards act (act 103 of 1977) a carport is defined as a building intended to provide shelter for a motor vehicle, caravan, or boat with walls on not more than two sides. Well, it depends, you see. Some of the information that you will need can include: