Do I Need A Permit For A Temporary Carport. This permit allows the use, if compatible, for limited times and/or frequencies, or allows limited expansion of any use that is otherwise allowed in the zone but that is outside the intended scope of the original land use approval. Permits are a legal requirement for works on private and public land and are designed to consider the way the land is used and developed and to keep residents and properties safe from structural and environmental hazards.

These vary between state and state, and county and county, so you need to check with your own local authority. A variety of permits are available for online application for homeowners and contractors. In foreshore areas, the carport will need a permit.
When do i need a structural permit?
Some of the information that you will need can include: You need a temporary use permit for uses that are not otherwise permitted in a given zone. A detached garage or similar structure (shed, pergola, gazebo, greenhouse, arbour, workshop, playhouse or carport) requires a permit if: However, if there is a primary and secondary dwelling on the lot, two carports may be provided.