Convert Carport Into Bedroom. It is recommended that the materials and finish of the proposed alteration match with that of the existing dwelling. For a two car garage you can add around 575 square feet to your home.

An example breakdown of the costs to convert a garage to a granny flat follow: The bedroom has to be a finished room including entrance door, insulation, robes, floor covering, painted walls, power outlets and maybe false ceiling or something else to cover the wooden beams. Cover the outside walls with plywood, then the material of choice such as siding or stucco.
I'm not sure where you are writing from, but in the areas i have worked in (ohio and metro ny) if you had a carport you could convert into livable space it would be pretty rare.
With a budget of $20,000 luis added exterior walls to the existing structure, which already was under the roof, and turned a large window into an interior doorway opening. When we bought our first flip house, we knew we had a job cut out for us. The bedroom has to be a finished room including entrance door, insulation, robes, floor covering, painted walls, power outlets and maybe false ceiling or something else to cover the wooden beams. Clean the flooring of the carport off.