Can You Build A Deck On Top Of A Carport. Look through carport deck pictures in different colors and styles and when you find some carport deck that inspires you, save it to an ideabook or contact the pro who made them happen to see what kind of design ideas they. Also to know, can you build a deck on top of a carport?

We have a 6m by 6m dug out bank with a concrete pad and retaining walls to 1.5m. I am most certainly not wanting to make anyone mad. Check your carport roof to make sure that there are no major uneven or hilly areas that will prevent deck installation.
In order to obtain a building permit you will need a site plan of the proposed carport showing its size and setbacks from property lines.
Yes i have plans and permit to build according to stamped plans from building dept.which includes the deck on top of carport. Follow this instructional youtube video and build this flat top carport that can keep two vehicles out of the weather. General rule is no closer than 1.5m from the side and/or rear boundary, and 6m setback from the front boundary if you are putting a patio on the front of your property (rare). There are exceptions where you can build 900mm, however there is an additional cost and council process which can be applied for, called ‘town planning relaxation’.