Building A Flat Roof Carport. Going by its name, the flat roof is entirely flat without any pitch. Building a carport like this is simple, and it can be built with or without a concrete foundation.

This is a line to ensure the roof of your carport is level. This carport is so simple that cleaning your gutter once in a while and repainting it when necessary is just about everything you need to do to maintain it. It is the most common type of carport roof and can easily be customised to suit property.
This step by step diy project is about 16x24 detached garage plans.
The structure is reinforced by the diagonal braces. There can be a slight pitch for draining the water away. A flat roof carport is easy to maintain, with its slightly angled roof pitch allowing leaves and other debris to roll off and not build up on the surface. If you fancy a modern design, you should consider building a flat roof carport.