Best Carports For Heavy Snow. However, we can design certified rv covers using both gauges. These winter carports can handle an extreme amount of weight, which is essential after those brutal snowstorms.

Each prefabricated vertical carport is made to order, and is available with a wide selection of customization options. As is the case with all our structures, sonoran metal carports come in a 5′ on center frame system or a 4′ on center frame system that can withstand heavy snow load areas. If your area experiences high levels of precipitation, go with a carport featuring a curved or angled roof.
14 gauge steel is sturdy and makes for an excellent choice that will protect your rv adequately, but 12 gauge metal is stronger.
American steel carports has over 20 years of experience, 5 manufacturing plants nationwide, and we’ve installed well over 280,000 carports! The best for handling winter conditions Carports range in widths from 12 feet wide to 24 feet wide, and up to 14’ in leg height. 12 gauge and 14 gauge steel.