20x20 Carport Frame. This unit is great for sheltering one or two vehicles, along with any outdoor equipment you may need to protect from the elements. If you have recreational vehicles, a business fleet, or business machinery, a carport can protect these valuable assets from hail, snow, high winds, rain, sun, & frost.

Reed just called and said that our crew that built her 18x21x8 garage did an amazing job! 140 mph/30 psf certification**, 6' legs, 14 gauge frame, rebar or concrete anchors, all legs/bows 5' on center, all required leg bracing, & one center brace on every bow. The tough made galvanized steel roof is made strong.
Perfect for use as a carport, shelter, shade and storage for boats, vehicles, tractors and even as an outdoor picnic area.
Use the filter options on your left to select your dimensions, carport and roof style. Sojag 20' x 12' samara carport with aluminum frame and 10' high galvanized steel roof for easy drive through access, gray. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with fast & free shipping on many items!.