12 20 Carport. $5,925.00 plus your local sales tax, delivered and installed. The 12 x 20 ft.

Use the filter options on your left to select your dimensions, carport and roof style. Search our rising number of carport plans. Carport, galsoar 10 x 20 ft heavy duty car canopy for snowy, rainy sunny days, rust resistant galvanized steel framework car tent, white.
We demonstrate 12 x 20 metal carport, equally for connected and indifferent constructions, for a number of cars.
These standard carport sizes save time and money for you and are suitable for most needs. 4.0 out of 5 stars 109. 12’ wide x 20’ long x 10’ height vertical roof style metal carport, this carport is featured with lap siding, two large side openings and two end openings with 45 degree cut outs. Carport has a wind speed rating of 100 mph and a snow/ground load rating of up to 35 psf.